

Blog Challenge & forandring

så har valgt at gå tilbage til at bloggen her skal være dansk, da det jo er mit sprog, så alt englesk vil blive opdateret på min personlige tumblr, linket er i højre side af bloggen.
Jeg har valgt at være med i endnu en blogchallenge, som jeg fandt på Belindas blog
Som jeg synes lød sjov, fordi det er sådan en december en :) hehe.

Jeg vil også i december måned, blogge hverdag, ikke kun med dinne challenge men også om mit hverdagsliv som jeg plejer, outfits and so on. og vil hverdag, skrive et lille citat el. l.
Men jeg vil hoppe af igen

Anna Bay


New stuff! :)

Best Body Lotion i've tried in a while.

To tame the baby hair :)

OMG! smells so good! :D

And who can live without hairspray? come on :D


Outfit for saturday the 26.

Jacket: Mödeström
Hoodie: H&M
Botten up: H&M
Jeans: Vila
Shoes: S//bar
Earrings: H&M


Just how i feel.

“My heart does this thing when it literally feels like it’s shrinking and getting tighter and tighter the more I think of you with another girl. And then my mind starts to think all these angry thoughts, and I start making up scenarios that probably will never happen. & then seven minutes later I’ll get over being angry and start thinking I’ll never be good enough, and I’ll start feeling depressed.... Afterwards, when I’m tired of crying.. I start saying “fuck it, I don’t need that shit. I’m better than that.” Some call that feeling denial, & that usually lasts a little longer.. But eventually I always get back to just laying in my bed with my heart still getting tighter by the second. Making it difficult to breathe sometimes. I’ll go out to get my mind off it. I try to keep myself occupied.. But it always comes back.. & I’m still laying here.. still not knowing what the fuck to do with myself.” - Chelsea Gama.


All i want for christmas is

The Carrie Diaries, Meet Carrie before sex and the city book :)
XBOX 360 :)

Tickets for a danish Stand up show, with Mick Ogendahl, he is so, SO funny! :)

Thats really all i want for Christmas this year :)
Not alot, oh yearh a couple of giftcards also!
what do you want for christmas? :)


New stuff & update

Shirt from h&m, not really sure what to do with it, actually..

IPHONE 4S, YES you heard me!

Dobbelt finger ring



Magnet, thought it was cool :)

Short Black Dress
  • So thats actutally happend alot, since i last updated
  • Had a week on two different Gymnasiums
  • Alex invited me out
  • Went to the Cinema and Dinner with him
  • He's a really sweet guy! happy i met him
  • Blessed with life, right now
  • Alot of homework
  • i thinks that all thats really like inportant.. d:

    See ya later! :D

I can't wait for christmas

I hate the cold and i hate snow!
but ecerything else about christmas i really do love!


Just some random days in school.

Me and Shanne, i love her! alot.


I sleep alot, in school.

I told ya.


Haul :)

Me and mimi bought a little in aarhus :D i only bought two things, but yearh!

Todays look .. Green

Aros and shooping with 10th grade

Me and mimi, in the bus, on the way home

Rasmus and Alex :)


Stig, in the rainbow

And mimi in the rainbow


Me in a room were you could see nothing

And me again

Thea, Shanne And Lærke

Lasagna on a very expensive resturant

me shooping

Lasse and Monica

me and mimi